Shrek Pics SHERK PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you like Shrek? Do you love him? Do you worship him? Well you're in luck, because I wasted my time searching Google for random images of Shrek so you don't have to go through the pain and anguish just to find 10 billion vigintillion random google images, SO BE GRATEFUL. IF YOU SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THIS PAGE, I SWEAR I WILL LITERALLY FIND YOUR IP ADRESS, COME TO YOUR HOUSE, WALK TOWARDS THE ENTRANCE, DESTROY THE FRONT DOOR, WALK UP TO YOUR ROOM, DESTROY THE BEDROOM DOOR AND SAY- "Bro, what the hell is wrong with you? I mean, what do you have against Shrek?? Do you hate him or something?" But like I said, I searched the web for a bunch of random Shrek pics, so enjoy, I guess.